You got promoted! Congratulations! Life is looking up. Better opportunities lie ahead. You can afford better things. You can have better vacations. Your kids can go to private school. Sounds great!

Will you be happy?

Money and position don’t guarantee happiness. The world is full of folks who tasted success and yearned for more. So they worked harder and they got more. Then they got more. And then they realized, their whole life was about chasing an earthly definition of success…at the expense of everything else.

What does success mean to you? If your idea of success does not include happiness and love, you need to rethink your viewpoint. Here is what you should not forget about while climbing up the career ladder:

  1. Remember where you came from.

Odds are your coworkers played some role in your success. Remember those conversations at work or after hours where you and your friends had the answers to everything? There are your first clues to how you can make a difference in your new role.

Frontline workers usually have the most intimate and accurate assessment of what works well and what could work better. Keep your door open and encourage them to share their thoughts.

  1. Remember you’re not one of them any more

You should care about the people who work for you. They should feel comfortable sharing issues and ideas with you. But remember there are lines on the organizational chart for a reason.

You don’t want your new boss or team thinking you will do whatever the employees want. Consider all the alternatives. Don’t be blinded by friendships or feelings. Be strong enough to say no to your old friends. Otherwise, you might find one of them taking over for you as you are shown the door.

  1. Remember your family  

Your corporate status changed. Maybe a new car or bigger house made you think your social status changed, too. It didn’t. You are still a child of God and subject to the same heartaches and consequences as everyone else.  

You are also still in the same position in your family. You didn’t get a promotion there. Don’t forget to listen to them like you would listen to anyone else. You want to be successful on that front, too. When your child says she wants to have a movie night, don’t “upgrade” her wish to dinner and a movie in the theater just because you can. Remember what keeps your family close and full of love.

  1. Remember who is really responsible for your success

Maybe you worked hard and came up with great ideas to earn a promotion. Maybe your university training and job experience made you the perfect new leader. But what you should not forget about while you climb the career ladder is who gave you the ability to get where you are.

Remember when you prayed for a better salary? Remember when you prayed to get your first job? Remember when you prayed to pass your final exams and win your degree? The same God who answered those prayers is still in charge. Never think you have achieved enough to not need His grace any more.

  1. Don’t be afraid to tell people about it.

Some Christians are afraid to succeed. They feel unworthy and are afraid to be proud about their accomplishments. It’s not okay to brag about your wealth or talent; but it is totally fine to brag about getting closer to your God-given potential.

God wants you to be successful in life. Don’t hide your lamp! Let it light the way for others. Be an inspiration. Your faith does not limit your ceiling; it expands it beyond all expectations. God is proud of your success. Why wouldn’t you be?   

So there you have it-

Five examples of what you should not forget while climbing up the career ladder. We hope they propel you forward and encourage you to make the most of your God-given talent.

Please get in touch now and let’s get better at these things together.