Whether or not you think global warming is an issue, you have to believe life would be better if the land and air was cleaner. God trusted Adam to care for the land (Gen 2:15). The fall changed things and by the time Jeremiah came around, God lamented how man was destroying the earth (Jer 2:7).

It is difficult to believe God is happy with how we treat the environment. For those who care, here are 7 simple things you can do to help nature around you.

  1. Ditch the water bottle!

By now, you know that plastic water bottles are filling landfills faster than we can make new ones. That’s bad enough, but also considers this: Last year, 17 billion barrels of oil were used to manufacture plastic water bottles.

Recycle the plastic bottles you already have and invest in a reusable container. If your tap water is undrinkable, buy a filter or home water cooler. You will save money while helping the environment.

  1. Save the bees!

Bees are a vital part of our ecosystem. Without them, our food chain would collapse as crops and other plants wither away. Use of insecticides (especially neonicotinoids) and a decline in their food sources have contributed to a dramatic 30% reduction in domestic bee population.

We need to save the bees! Start by using bee-safe insecticides. Then plant a flower garden to help bees thrive in your community. You could go a step farther and invest in some bee hives. It costs less than you would think and you can enjoy your own honey!

  1. Cut back on car usage

Carbon emission regulations have made the air cleaner despite more cars being on the road. So why should you worry about using your car too much? Again we get back to the gasoline usage. Drilling for oil is environmentally dangerous and costly. Saving gas helps the earth.

Walk to the store or church. Offer to pick up all your child’s friends for a trip to the mall. You can keep several cars from hitting the road. Plus you’ll make their parents happier and save money when they return the favor.

  1. Ditch the coffee cup!

We already tossed the water bottle. Now consider this: the average American office worker uses 500 disposable cups a year. That’s a lot of landfill space. If those cups are Styrofoam, they will be in that landfill when your grandchildren’s grandchildren are drinking coffee.

Number four of the 7 simple things you can do to now to help nature around you is to use a mug or reusable travel container.  

  1. Reusable grocery bags

Plastic grocery bags take up too much landfill space and millions of barrels of oil are used to produce new ones. They are also a major health risk to animals and birds that choke on discarded bags blowing into trees and streams every day.   

Invest in reusable grocery sacks. Keep them in your car so you don’t forget them when you shop. If you don’t have one with you, ask for a paper bag or box for your purchase.

  1. Stop throwing out food!

Food waste contributes to high methane gas levels. It also stinks up the neighborhood if you don’t seal your trash can right. Oh! And it also could be used to feed someone who went hungry last night! Americans waste almost 40% of purchased food- enough to feed every one of the billion under-nourished persons in the world.

Start by planning meals before you shop.  Making a grocery list greatly reduces food spending and waste. Keep tabs on what you toss away. If you throw out stale bread every other week, maybe you need to buy a smaller loaf or freeze some until it’s needed.

  1. Clean safely!

Everyone wants to live in a clean environment. We buy only the strongest cleaners and antibacterial agents for our kitchens and bathrooms. But bleach and other items actually cause harm to our health and nature.

Take time to do some research. Use environmentally and personal health-safe products. The vast majority do the job as well as the harsher products.

That’s a good start

So there you have 7 simple things you can do now to help nature around you. There are other ways to maintain this planet the way God intended, too. Think about whether products you buy have an effect on the environment. Look for alternatives. Maybe someday, the world can be as Adam was meant to keep it.

Please get in touch now and let’s make these things better together.