Genesis 1:29
Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

So when God created mankind, he gave him a gift, and that gift is food

Did you know that the food that you eat can have some effect on your mood? It actually does. There are some foods that when you take, they will improve your mood while others will have a negative impact. It is, therefore, important that you know how food changes your mood and why it is important to know what you eat.

Much about food and mood has been explained scientifically. Even without the scientific explanation, you might have noticed that sometimes after you have taken food, you may have some mood changes. Sometimes, you can feel high while in some occasions you find yourself completely down. That could be something to do with the type of food that you ate. So you need to know how food changes your mood and why it is important to know what you eat. Here is a small explanation on how food changes your mood. At the end of the article, you will understand why it is crucial that you know what you eat.

There are some foods that have some influence on the neurotransmitter systems of the brain. Such foods have significant impact on a person’s mood but temporarily.

The connection between food and mood is quite complex. This relationship depends on the time of the day, the type, macronutrient composition, and the amount of food consumed. It also depends on your age and your dietary history.

Studies have shown that females will feel sleepy after taking a carbohydrate meal while male became calmer. Carbohydrates produce a non-essential amino acid called tryptophan. When you consume carbohydrates, this amino acid will enter the brain. Serotonin, a mood regulator, is then produced in the brain and this will tend to improve the mood. Serotonin is synthesized in the brain from tryptophan with the help of vitamins B.

Carbohydrates are said to increase the synthesis of serotonin while proteins reduce the level of serotonin in the brain.

Chocolate is also said to improve the mood. When you eat chocolate, it will increase pleasant feelings and at the same time reducing tension.

However, some studies have shown that chocolate can bring some feeling of guilt among women, especially those who want to lose weight.

But you are a Christian, should you really care about the scientific explanations? Is it really important that you know how food changes your mood and why it is important to know what you eat?

Yes, it is very important. That scientific knowledge is God given same as food. If certain food can lead to anger, why not avoid it. If some can lead to fatigue and anxiety, what is the essence of eating them?

If consuming some food like fish, fruits, nuts, cereals, and legumes can prevent depression, thus improving your mood, are they not worth taking?

We can’t overstate the importance of individual’s food choices when it comes to your mental health. Food is God’s love made edible, and because it is a gift of grace from God, it is important that we know what we eat. How someone responds to a gift shows how they feel about the giver, in this case, God is the giver.

Some food will manifest God grace while others will not. If certain food will cause some harm to your body then it is not serving God’s intention for his gift.

You now know how food changes your mood and why it is important to know what you eat.

It is time to start eating what is right for your mood, for your health.